Monday, January 26, 2009

Thomas Francis Jr. Global Health Fellowship

UW is now accepting applications for the Thomas Francis Jr, Global Health Fellowship!

Application deadline is March 11, 2009.

The purpose of the Thomas Francis, Jr. Global Health Fellowship is to promote global health by providing financial assistance to graduate or professional students who would like to gain practical global health field experience in international and/or underserved community settings. Dr. Thomas Francis, Jr. taught Dr. Jonas Salk the methodology of vaccine development, and designed and directed the Salk polio vaccine clinical trials. The Fellowship is administered by the Department of Global Health in conjunction with a faculty selection committee and the Dean's Office of the School of Public Health.

Eligible students may be enrolled in any graduate or professional school at the University of Washington, and must submit a project proposal that addresses a global health issue or problem. Projects should be one month to three months in length and must be completed by the end of Winter Quarter 2010. The Fellowship of up to $4,000USD can be used to support student travel costs, including room and board, travel health preparation, travel insurance and/or supplies for a particular global health project. The Fellowship cannot be used to cover tuition costs, school supplies, conference attendance or other non-project related expenses.

Applications will be scored based on the strength of the proposal, the relevance to global health and the applicant's academic and career goals, the significance to the host organization and the commitment by the host organization supervisor and a University of Washington faculty mentor. Fellowship recipients must meet all program deadlines, attend a travel preparation orientation and participate in other Thomas Francis, Jr. Global Health Fellowship activities. If a student is awarded and accepts the Fellowship, they must immediately withdraw their applications to other funding programs.

In order to be eligible you must:

A. Be enrolled in a full-time graduate school or graduate-level professional degree program at the University of Washington (undergraduates, recent graduates and medical residents are NOT eligible)

B. Identify an international experience, host organization (local or global) and host organization supervisor

C. Identify a University of Washington faculty mentor to assist you with the development of a project and connect the experience to your academic program and career goals

D. Submit via e-mail, a completed Thomas Francis, Jr. Global Health Fellowship application WITH supporting documentation by Wednesday, March 11, 2009 to

E. Supporting documentation must include: a signed Statement of Commitment from your host organization supervisor, a Letter of Commitment from your University of Washington faculty mentor, a copy of your current resume (no more than 3 pages) and a recent "unofficial" copy of your University of Washington transcript. (please send all documents by e-mail)

Questions, e-mail Daren Wade at

For a full application, go here:FrancisGlobalHealth FellowshipApplication2009.doc.